Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

The Avengers (2012)

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Review The Avengers (2012) Movie
Review The Avengers (2012) Movie

About four years of waiting is finally over. Naturally everyone from lovers of comics to regular film buff like I was so shocked when in credit-scene movie Iron Man appears Nick Fury is saying about the Avengers Initiative. That's when the super ambitious project to combine Apra Marvel superhero in the movie starts. I own quite enthusiastically looking forward to The Avengers though pessimism haunting enough at first. Combining many superhero means there will be a lot of figures that appear and they should receive equal proportion, and it is obviously not an easy thing. Currently the director's chair fell to Joss Whedon I was not too optimistic even though he is the creator of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer comic lovers and at the same time he became the author of several volumes of comic X-Men. Okay I'm sure he would be able to satisfy lovers of comics who saw the film but what he able to satisfy the audience who are not lovers of comics? But my optimism began to rise when the film script was written by Whedon, Cabin in the Woods received great praise. Okay it's a horror movie but at least it was enough to prove the capacity of Whedon as a screenwriter reliable. Especially when the reviews for The Avengers positive majority where to Rotten Tomatoes, the film reached 93%. So whether the long wait will be paid off?

Basic story is mediocre and not complicated, which is about the effort Loki (Tom Hiddlestone) which still holds ambitions as king to sow chaos on Earth and make human beings subject to him. For that he was trying to master the infinite power contained in Tesseract that we previously used as a weapon by Hydra in Captain America: The First Avenger . The object itself is now owned by SHIELD and are being studied by Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgard) under the supervision of Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). After Loki captured the Tesseract, the Earth in danger of destruction because Loki turns intends to bring "troops" to attack Earth. When the powers that be deemed no longer able to compete with Loki, the project Avengers which was stopped again performed where the superhero who feels no longer need me mention one by one began to be collected. But it turned out that they had to face not only the evil intentions of Loki and thousands of troops but also a clash of egos each of the superhero.

The story in The Avengers clearly characterizes the films of summer light and difficult to digest. But Joss Whedon script make the story of a light that is not stale and still weighs. I myself was one of many people who think The Dark Knight was the best superhero movie of all time. But I myself do not deny that the film is more nuance Nolan crime and deliberately made ​​more realistic so that the element komikalnya not too thick, and I think the comic lovers need a film adaptation of the comic that is not only qualified but also lightweight and choose a strong comic element. During this time Marvel films (only included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) are always shades like that in terms of light weight, easy to digest, not dark but still weighs. And The Avengers indeed is the peak. Joss Whedon really know what to expect by all segments of the audience. Finally be the film into a film with an atmosphere that is light, not dark, had a splashy action scenes and effects feast for the eyes, the dialogues are mild and many inserts humor but not memorable cheap, and most importantly, this film is not the origin of the explosion spread like the films of Michael Bay, but also have a heart.

Review The Avengers (2012) Movie

Honestly when I opened the movie really feel less lost. The Avengers opened with boring until the end Loki appears and the tension slowly rising. Then for about an hour Joss Whedon unexpectedly dare to show what is often overlooked by filmmakers blockbuster, especially if not extracting the conflict between the characters. Each character here had been dug through the background of their respective films, so that is now displayed is the union of ego conflicts when they have to be a team. Each one of them has an ego and self-interest that they stand for. For more than half the duration of us will be shown in these conflicts so that when the superhero's finally started to take personal ego and unite as a team, the satisfaction felt by a much larger audience. Just imagine if Whedon lazy showing the conflict and choose the instant approach to directly incorporate the superhero without any conflict between their own personal and compact direct plunge into the battlefield. Surely will taste bland.

Review The Avengers (2012) Movie

But once again the conflict will not work well if each character has no strong characterization. Tony Stark clear as people with large super ego, their own wishes and of course a "joker" in the team. While the Captain America Steve Rogers was able to show he deserves as a leader and undermining my doubts as to whether Rogers in this case Chris Evans is capable of displaying the charisma that could make it look worthy of being the leader. Because all this time I worry about is if Downey Jr. with his character Tony Stark to be at most "Show Off". Thor the god of his style was no less distinctive and fortunately here he does not look so stupid in the movie itself. Black Widow and Hawkeye undermine my doubts about "what is the use of two ordinary people join the collection of superhero?" They took turns showing his prowess, especially Black Widow as interrogation experts. But the main star was Mark Rufallo as Hulk. His approach will be different from the character of Bruce Banner Edward Norton and Eric Bana. Here Banner older and started to control the monster within him. And when he has become the Hulk and fight, spotlight led to it. Hulk is the star in this movie climax. So brutal, cool and malignant. But do not forget the minor character Agent Coulson kind that can always steal the show and Maria Hill with the incredible beauty of it.

One thing that many criticized this movie is about humor. Indeed there are so many inserts humor here. But still it does not make The Avengers look so silly and like a bunch of clowns. Humor often comes from the remarks, remarks that momentum fitting. Cuteness displayed with non-verbal scene is also fitted. But admittedly there are some who miss but it did not disturb. For me the level of humor in this film right at the border of serious / silly, in the sense that if plus it will be silly and serious, but fortunately the dose is fitted so as not to fall there. After all, humor-humor works so well that besides opening no more tedious moments in nearly two and a half hours of this film. While other things dikiritisi is about Loki that are considered less threatening as a super villain is not wrong but also not entirely correct. Loki is more towards the criminals who threaten the psychological tactics. But clearly he still looks weak and less threatening. Compare with The Joker is also wearing a psychological but also threatening action. I hope that Thanos would be "dangerous" again in the sequel to The Avengers.

Indeed, I regret most is the set-pieces are still lacking action epic. For the size of a regular action movie, the climactic scene in The Avengers is already enough, but for the size of the film are awaited for four years climax offer still feels less epic and less stressful , I hope climax emotionally draining but again probably due to the threat of less than villain that is made ​​is less appropriate moment. I need an atmosphere in which the Earth is seriously threatened and hopeless plainly Avengers comes with so heroic and save the world. But anyway I still think that the moment has entered a long-term plan that Marvel is not impossible that appears in the sequel-sequel to The Avengers. In the end survived for comic lovers worldwide. The dream of you all successfully realized beautifully in this film by Joss Whedon. Never mind if no review for this film negative. Watch, here's a movie that you've been waiting for. For comic lovers who are not permanent watch this movie and just enjoy the pleasures that are scattered throughout almost two and a half hour duration which will not seem long. Not as epic my expectations but still very satisfying entertainment. Perhaps not a movie that would make my top-10 at the end of the year but seen from the length of the reviews that I write this it is clear that The Avengers would be the film that will most'm talking about all year.

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